
July 6, 2018
Plane at terminal refueling with shell fuel truck
The Pitt-Greenville Airport Authority is continuing to make momentous improvements to its facility and services, resulting in easier, more convenient, and significantly more reliable travel for customers. Fliers can now enjoy and benefit from all-jet service, an additional daily flight and runway enhancements. For years, American Airlines flew Dash 8 twin-prop planes in and out...
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Pitt Greenville Airport runway daytime
The Pitt Greenville Airport reopened its primary and secondary runways this morning at 9:10am, a full four days ahead of schedule. This marks the end of weight-restricted travel and full regular airline service can begin immediately. Typically, regional airport runways have a lifespan of 20 years. Through continued stewardship from maintenance staff, the Pitt Greenville...
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